
When laser cutting and bending parts, how to reduce or avoid the impact of heat-affected zone on material properties?

Publish Time: 2024-05-20
When laser cutting and bending parts, the heat affected zone (HAZ) is a problem that cannot be ignored. This area will be affected by high temperatures during the laser cutting process, causing changes in the physical and chemical properties of the material, thus affecting the performance of the bent parts. In order to reduce or avoid the impact of the heat-affected zone on material properties, the following measures can be taken:
Optimize cutting parameters: Parameters such as laser power, cutting speed and focal length are key factors that affect the size of the heat-affected zone. By adjusting these parameters, the heat input during cutting can be reduced, thereby reducing the size of the heat-affected zone. Specific adjustments need to be made based on the characteristics of the material and actual needs.
Use gas assist: During the laser cutting process, the use of gas assist can effectively reduce the impact of the heat affected zone. The gas can take heat away from the cutting area, lowering the surface temperature of the material and reducing heat input. At the same time, the gas can also remove waste and oxides generated in the cutting area, improving cutting speed and quality.
Choose the right materials: For some materials, the size of the heat-affected zone can be reduced by choosing materials with lower thermal conductivity. Because materials with low thermal conductivity can better resist the spread of heat, thereby reducing the scope of the heat-affected zone.
Subsequent processing: For bent parts that have produced heat-affected zones, their performance can be improved through subsequent processing. For example, the heat-affected zone is heat treated to adjust its structure and properties. Or grind and polish the cut edges to remove burrs and unevenness.
Cooling system: Integrating a cooling system into the laser cutting equipment can reduce the temperature of the material in time during the cutting process and reduce the generation of heat-affected zones. This can be achieved by placing cooling nozzles near the cutting area or using coolant.
Equipment maintenance and calibration: Regularly maintain and calibrate laser cutting equipment to ensure normal operation and accuracy of the equipment. This reduces the impact of equipment failures and errors on the heat-affected zone.
In summary, by optimizing cutting parameters, using gas assistance, selecting appropriate materials, subsequent processing, cooling systems, and equipment maintenance and calibration, the impact of the heat-affected zone on material properties when laser cutting bending parts can be effectively reduced or avoided. Influence.

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